Sunday, November 20, 2016

Most Amazing Wild Animal Attacks – Top 8 Craziest Animal Attacks Caught On Camera

You might suppose you’ve seen the globe over, under, around and thru, however there'll still be wonders that may build your eyes pop. even though you’re an obsessive animal enthusiast, you can’t honestly expect to grasp all of the one,367,555 non-insect animal species, that square measure known on the face of Earth today! Besides, new animal species may well be discovered by the time you end reading this text, thus there'll continuously be some new surprises for North American country out there.

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10 Amazing Rainforest Animals - Animals In The Rianforest

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Saturday, November 19, 2016

Deadly Poison Dart Frog - Most Poisonous Frog In The World | Killer Frog |

These frogs are considered one of Earth's most toxic, or poisonous, species. For example, the golden poison dart frog has enough poison to kill 20,000 mice. With a range of bright colors—yellows, oranges, reds, greens, blues—they aren't just big show-offs either. Those colorful designs tell potential predators, "I'm toxic. Don't eat me." Scientists think that poison dart frogs get their toxicity from some of the insects they eat. How do poison dart frogs capture their prey? Slurp! With a long, sticky tongue that darts out and zaps the unsuspecting bug! The frogs eat many kinds of small insects, including fruit flies, ants, termites, young crickets, and tiny beetles, which are the ones scientists think may be responsible for the frogs' toxicity. Poison dart frogs live in the rain forests of Central and South America. There are more than 100 species of poison dart frogs, including those that live in the Amazon. Hunters from Colombia's Embera tribe regularly hunted birds, monkeys and other small animals using poison darts. The poison came from bright yellow frogs just a few centimetres long.
A single "golden poison frog" harbours enough poison to kill 10 grown men, making these frogs perhaps the most poisonous animals alive. They are one of many species of toxic frogs, which are known as poison dart frogs. They are all small: the largest are no more than 6cm long, and some are just 1.5 cm. Other poison dart frogs are far less toxic than the golden poison frog, and only a handful of species pose a risk to humans. How did these tiny, beautiful creatures become so poisonous, and why?

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Deadly Poison Dart Frog - Most Poisonous Frog In The World | Killer Frog |

These frogs are considered one of Earth's most toxic, or poisonous, species. For example, the golden poison dart frog has enough poison to kill 20,000 mice. With a range of bright colors—yellows, oranges, reds, greens, blues—they aren't just big show-offs either. Those colorful designs tell potential predators, "I'm toxic. Don't eat me." Scientists think that poison dart frogs get their toxicity from some of the insects they eat. How do poison dart frogs capture their prey? Slurp! With a long, sticky tongue that darts out and zaps the unsuspecting bug! The frogs eat many kinds of small insects, including fruit flies, ants, termites, young crickets, and tiny beetles, which are the ones scientists think may be responsible for the frogs' toxicity. Poison dart frogs live in the rain forests of Central and South America. There are more than 100 species of poison dart frogs, including those that live in the Amazon. Hunters from Colombia's Embera tribe regularly hunted birds, monkeys and other small animals using poison darts. The poison came from bright yellow frogs just a few centimetres long.
A single "golden poison frog" harbours enough poison to kill 10 grown men, making these frogs perhaps the most poisonous animals alive. They are one of many species of toxic frogs, which are known as poison dart frogs. They are all small: the largest are no more than 6cm long, and some are just 1.5 cm. Other poison dart frogs are far less toxic than the golden poison frog, and only a handful of species pose a risk to humans. How did these tiny, beautiful creatures become so poisonous, and why?

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Saturday, November 5, 2016

5 Most Annoying Insects | Deadliest Insects On Earth | Insect Identification

1. Brazilian Treehopper
What’s going on with this critter? Scientists do not honestly even know. It has a number of peculiar appendages on its back which turn out to be hollow chitin balls. Their purpose? Completely unknown at this point. It is one odd looking insect, and we still have no idea why it looks the way it does.

2. Flower Mantis
Reach to pick one of these colorful little flowers and you will probably shriek with surprise when you realize that what you really have in your hand is a creepy crawly known as the Flower Mantis. This mantis can come in many different colors and shapes. Some species have what looks like two huge eyes sticking up on top—just more coloration. You might still find it as a pretty as a flower, if you aren’t a xenophobe—and even more delicate. Orchid mantises in particular are widely considered quite beautiful.

3. Little Barrier Island Giant Weta
If you are squeamish and not a fan of locusts and the like, you will probably want to steer clear of the Little Barrier Island of New Zealand. Here you can find one of the biggest insects in the world, measuring 3 and a half inches in length and weighing 2.5 ounces. Yes, that is about the size of your hand.

4. Goliath Beetle
Yes, insects can get even bigger. This beetle can grow up to four inches in length, and weighs even more than the locust described above. They are native to Africa and are sometimes kept as pets. They love protein, and can be fed dog or cat food or even baby food (cue up “awwwww, that’s adorable!” from insect lovers). Keeping a Goliath Beetle may hold some of the same appeal as keeping a tarantula, without the need to feed it mice.

5. Hercules Beetle
This beetle may not be the largest on the planet, but it is the strongest. Not only is it the strongest insect on the planet, but it is also the strongest animal, period. It can carry up to 850 times its own weight on its back.

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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

10 Biggest Spider In The World | World’s Largest Spiders On Earth

10. Cerbalus Aravensis
The smallest, however still large, spider on our list is the black and white Cerbalus Aravensis spider and it was first discovered in Israel in 2009. It has a leg span of 5.5-inches. It  lives underground where it peaks out ready to jump on unsuspecting prey anytime.

9. Brazilian Wandering Spider
The Brazilian Wandering spider is one of the world’s biggest spider with it’s 5.9-inch leg span and it have one of the deadliest venomous. The venom of this spider rarely kills humans though its bite will make you writhe in pain for a while.

8. Camel Spider
The Camel spider has myth. People usually say these spiders eat camels and humans, but in real they do neither. But probably they scare both though. The Camel spider is also known as the Scorpion spider because it’s close enough to both spiders and scorpions.

7. Hercules Baboon Spider
The Hercules Baboon spider is one of  the rarest spider in whole the world. This giant spider has an 8-inch leg span, but don’t let to be scared you, because this spider have not been seen since 1900. So be aware, don’t be fooled by the pet stores that try to pass off other spiders as the rare Hercules Baboon.

6. Colombian Giant Black Tarantula
The Colombian Giant Black tarantula have a leg span of up to 9.1-inches. Its mostly black in color, but has brownish hairs and some reddish markings. This giant spider is an extremely aggressive eater, but luckly is harmless to humans, besides the scare factor.

5. Brazilian Giant Tawny Red Tarantula
Giant Tawny Red is a spider that is among one of the biggest in the world. It is Native to Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay and Brazil, the Brazilian It can have a leg span of up to 10.2-inches.

4. Poecilotheria Rajaei
In 2009 in Sri Lanka the Poecilotheria Rajaei spider has been recently discovered. This spider has an 8-inch leg span and has a pinkish-gray band on its abdomen. These spiders like to live in fallen trees, inside people’s homes and rocks.

3. Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater
It’s a matter of pleasure that Despite the name, the Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater spider doesn’t eat birds. Instead of birds, it feasts on insects, lizards, mice and frogs.

2. The Huntsman Spider
The Huntsman spider is really a beast. Its body can reach up to 12 inches long and its leg span can get up to half foot long. This spider is native to Asia, but can also be found in subtropical areas of Florida, California and Texas.

1. The Goliath Bird-Eating Tarantula
The largest spider in the world is the Goliath Bird-Eating tarantula. As the name suggests, this spider is large enough to eat birds, and it actually does. The Goliath can grow up to 1-foot in body length and has 1-inch long fangs. Because of its heavier body mass It’s considered bigger than the Huntsman.

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