Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Top 10 Cutest Pets In The World | Cute Animal Videos | Cutest Pets Ever

Top  10 Cutest Pets In The World  Cute Animal Videos  Cutest Pets Ever.

10. Mini Pig
Cost : 250-1.5k
Rarity: Not Too Rare
Licensing: None

Mini pigs are pigs that have been selectively downsized  over many generations in order to produce a pig will generally grow 12-16 inches and will reach 25-26 pounds, similar to a smaller dog. 

9.  Hedgehog
Cost: 75-250
Rarity: Somewhat
Licensing: None

The hedgehog is a carnivorous animal that originates from Europe, Asia and Africa. Hedgehogs have excellent hearing and sense of smell, but weak eyesight. 

8.  Pygmy Goat
Cost: 100-400
Rarity: Somewhat
Licensing: None

A pygmy goat is breed of miniature domestic goat. Pygmy goats tend to be kept as pets primarily, though also work well as milk producers and working animals. 

7.  Sugar Glider
Cost: 200-500
Rarity: Somewhat
Licensing: None

Sugar gliders are generally 5 to 12 inches long with a tail that is 6 to 9 inches long. Their fur is bluish-gray with a pale belly and a dark stripe that runs down the back. Sugar gliders have gliding membranes that allow efficient movement. 

6.  Fennec Fox
Cost: 1k-5k
Rarity: Somewhat
Licensing: Some States

The fennec fox is the smallest fox in the world. They can be found at zoo, and even in a few homes as pets, all over the world, but their native habitat is the deserts of North Africa. 

5.  Spotted Genet
Cost: 1k-1.5k
Rarity: Rare
Licensing: Some States

The genet is a slender, cat-like carnivore, recognized by a crest of long, black hairs that runs from the shoulders, along the back to the base of the tail, which can be erected when threatened. 

4.  Capybara
Cost: 500-1.5k
Rarity: Somewhat
Licensing: Most States

Capybaras are the largest rodents on earth. Adult capybaras are typically between 3 – 4 feet long and can weigh between 100 and 150 pounds. Capybaras heads resemble those of other rodents, but are much larger. 

3.  Serval
Cost: 2k-3k
Rarity: Rare
Licensing: Some States

A serval, or Felis Serval, is a member of the feline family. They are native to Africa, where they thrive in a variety of habitats including savannas, bush, thickets and moors near rivers and streams. 

2.  Wallaroo
Cost: 2k-4k
Rarity: Rare
Licensing: Required

The wallaroo is a macropod that is part of the kangaroo family. These sturdy marsupials generally are reddish-gray, tan, black or deep gray in coloration.

1. Chimpanzee
Cost: 40k-60k
Rarity: Rare
Licensing: Required

Adult chimps range in height from 4 to 5.5 feet and weigh between 70 and 180 pounds. They have short bodies and long arms – even longer that their legs. In addition to opposable thumbs, they have opposable big toes, allowing them to grasp things with both their hands and feet.

Videos You May Watch :

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Biggest snake in the world Giant Anaconda Attacks Giant Python #2

Biggest snake in the world Giant Anaconda Attacks Giant Python. #2

Biggest Snake In The Word | Gaint Anaconda Attacks | Gaint Python.

The World's Biggest Snakes.

What's the biggest snake in the world? People have argued about this for years. Part of the problem is the definition of the word "large." Do you mean the longest or the heaviest? Are we talking about the largest single specimen ever found or an average for the species? Do you consider unconfirmed reports, or only rely on double-checked evidence?

A petroleum geologist in eastern Columbia in the 1944 found an anaconda he measured at 37 1/2 feet in length. Most people do not accept this report because after shooting the snake and measuring it, the expedition went off and ate lunch before attempting to photograph and skin it. While they were gone, the snake, (apparently still alive) crawled or swam away. Vincent Roth, a scientist working in British Guiana claims to have shot a 34 foot specimen, but his story also lacked corroboration.

The Giant Anaconda.

The anaconda, or Eunectes murinus, lives in central and tropical South America. This monstrous snake can live in fresh water and could be a candidate for some smaller sea serpent or lake monster reports. Like all snakes, the anaconda is carnivorous. While some snakes use venom (poison) to kill or paralyze their victims, the anaconda, like its Eastern Hemisphere cousins, the pythons, kill by constriction. A constricting snake, loops its body around an animal and uses its powerful muscles to squeeze its victim until the animal can no longer inflate its lungs to breathe, causing suffocation.

The Giant Python.

While some consider the anaconda the largest snake, problems with the above claims cause many people to argue that a reticulated python (Python reticulated) killed in Celebes, Indonesia in 1912 deserved the prize as the longest single snake specimen. It was 32 feet, 10 inches long.

People as Snake Prey

Do large modern snakes like the python and the anaconda eat people? Occasionally such attacks are recorded. In 1972 a python in Burma ate an eight-year-old boy. In 1927 there was a story about a jeweler named Maung Chit Chine. He hid under a tree during a rain storm and afterward his friends could only find his hat and shoes. When they killed a nearby gouged python, they found the rest of Chines' body, swallowed feet first (though this seems opposite to normal snake behavior) and whole, inside the snake.

Strangely enough, many big snakes attack humans not in the jungle, but in suburbia. Pythons are often kept as pets, but can turn deadly without warning. In 1993 in Colorado, a 15-year-old boy weighing 95 pounds was attacked by the family's python. The snake was only of medium size being 11 feet long and weighing 53 pounds, yet was able to kill the boy, though it made no attempt to eat him.

The beautiful skin patterns of pythons. Left is normal, while the right is an albino from the National Zoo who would not have survived in the wild as its coloration would have given it no protection when it was young. (Copyright Lee Krystek, 1998)

Big snakes, though beautiful and interesting, can be dangerous. And they don't have to be record holders or live in the jungle to kill.

Pls don't forget to subscribe our channel for more updates and for more videos. 

Keep watching our channel and stay healthy!!!

Videos You May Watch:
Biggest Snake In The World | Giant Anaconda Attacks | Giant Python #2

Thursday, September 22, 2016

10 Biggest Dog In The World | Biggest Dogs | Giant Dog

1. English Mastiff.

The English Mastiff is the largest dog breed in the world by considering the mass. This breed has an average weight of 68-110 kg and shoulder height of 27-33 inches. On 26th September 1981 the Guinness book of world records recognized an old English Mastiff named Zorba as the heaviest and longest dog in the world. The dog weighed 142.7 kg with a height of 27 inches at that time.

2. Great Dane.

The Great Dane breed has a great reputation for its height and charming nature. This breed can be as tall as 3 feet or more. They weigh between 50-90kg. In 2012 the Guinness Book of World records entitles a Great Dane Named Zeus as the tallest dog in the world.

 3. St. Bernard.

Standing at an average height of 27-35.4 inches and weight of 64-91 kg the St. Bernard is truly a gigantic breed. They are originally developed for rescue operations on the Alps. Well-trained St. Bernard dog shows incredible patience and friendly nature.

4.  Neopolitan Mastiff.

The Neopolitan Mastiff is a large guardian breed native to Italy. Romans once used this breed as war dogs.  A well trained Neopolitan Mastiff can a great pet. They also love to be with the children.

5. Irish Wolfhound.

The Irish wolfhound is the tallest member of Sighthounds breed. It let the Irish wolfhound dogs in gaining great speed while hunting a prey.

6. Leonberger.

The giant dog breed of the Leonberger is named after the Leonberg city in Germany.  The Leonberger breed has a rectangular shaped broad head. The black mask is the pride of this breed and it gives them a great expression. They also have a long nose and medium sized ears.

7. Newfoundland.

The Newfoundland is truly a large breed with an average height of 30 inches and weight between 60-70 kg.They are smart enough to detect the threats in no time. As the Newfoundland dogs are suited well for children as they are very calm and friendly.

8. Anatolian Shepard Dog.

The Anatolian Shepherd is a large and powerful dog breed native to Turkey. They originally developed to protect the livestock. Their neck is thick and powerful. The Anatolian Shepard dogs are very affectionate, smart, loyal and protective.

9. Great Pyrenees.

The Great Pyrenees dogs have a great reputation for their protective nature and beauty. They have been working as watchdogs since 3000 B.C, to protect livestock. The Great Pyrenees dogs have a great sense of hearing. They detect the intruders and other animals easily. They also bark a lot.

10.  French Mastiff.

The courageous French Mastiff dogs also known as Dogue de Bordeaux.  The French Mastiffs are extremely loyal, protective and devoted to their family. They love to be with the family members.

Pls don't forget to subscribe our channel for more updates and for more videos. You can share your opinion in the comment section. Pls suggest us to improve ourselves and to provide best videos to entertain you.

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Videos You May Watch>>>>>>>>>>>>

10 Biggest Dog In The World

Biggest Snake In The World | Giant Anaconda Attacks | Giant Python

10 Fastest Animals In The World

10 Most Dangerous Animals In The World

King Cobra Snake, Facts | Caught Before Attack

10 Animal Facts About Pregnancy

10 Most Venomous Snakes In The World

10 Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

10 Most Overfished Species

10 Most Amazing Animal Hybrids You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

The carnivorous plants | Venus Flytrap eats frog

Strange Trees and Funny Trees of The World |Weird Trees and Plants|

10 Most Deadliest Poisonous Plants on Earth

Monday, September 19, 2016

Biggest Snake In The World | Giant Anaconda Attacks | Giant Python

Biggest Snake In The Word | Gaint Anaconda Attacks | Gaint Python.

The World's Biggest Snakes.

What's the biggest snake in the world? People have argued about this for years. Part of the problem is the definition of the word "large." Do you mean the longest or the heaviest? Are we talking about the largest single specimen ever found or an average for the species? Do you consider unconfirmed reports, or only rely on double-checked evidence?

A petroleum geologist in eastern Columbia in the 1944 found an anaconda he measured at 37 1/2 feet in length. Most people do not accept this report because after shooting the snake and measuring it, the expedition went off and ate lunch before attempting to photograph and skin it. While they were gone, the snake, (apparently still alive) crawled or swam away. Vincent Roth, a scientist working in British Guiana claims to have shot a 34 foot specimen, but his story also lacked corroboration.

The Giant Anaconda.

The anaconda, or Eunectes murinus, lives in central and tropical South America. This monstrous snake can live in fresh water and could be a candidate for some smaller sea serpent or lake monster reports. Like all snakes, the anaconda is carnivorous. While some snakes use venom (poison) to kill or paralyze their victims, the anaconda, like its Eastern Hemisphere cousins, the pythons, kill by constriction. A constricting snake, loops its body around an animal and uses its powerful muscles to squeeze its victim until the animal can no longer inflate its lungs to breathe, causing suffocation.

The Giant Python.

While some consider the anaconda the largest snake, problems with the above claims cause many people to argue that a reticulated python (Python reticulated) killed in Celebes, Indonesia in 1912 deserved the prize as the longest single snake specimen. It was 32 feet, 10 inches long.

People as Snake Prey

Do large modern snakes like the python and the anaconda eat people? Occasionally such attacks are recorded. In 1972 a python in Burma ate an eight-year-old boy. In 1927 there was a story about a jeweler named Maung Chit Chine. He hid under a tree during a rain storm and afterward his friends could only find his hat and shoes. When they killed a nearby gouged python, they found the rest of Chines' body, swallowed feet first (though this seems opposite to normal snake behavior) and whole, inside the snake.

Strangely enough, many big snakes attack humans not in the jungle, but in suburbia. Pythons are often kept as pets, but can turn deadly without warning. In 1993 in Colorado, a 15-year-old boy weighing 95 pounds was attacked by the family's python. The snake was only of medium size being 11 feet long and weighing 53 pounds, yet was able to kill the boy, though it made no attempt to eat him.

The beautiful skin patterns of pythons. Left is normal, while the right is an albino from the National Zoo who would not have survived in the wild as its coloration would have given it no protection when it was young. (Copyright Lee Krystek, 1998)

Big snakes, though beautiful and interesting, can be dangerous. And they don't have to be record holders or live in the jungle to kill.

Pls don't forget to subscribe our channel for more updates and for more videos. 

Keep watching our channel and stay healthy!!!

Description is collected from :

Videos You May Watch :

Biggest Snake In The World | Giant Anaconda Attacks | Giant Python

10 Fastest Animals In The World

10 Most Dangerous Animals In The World

King Cobra Snake, Facts | Caught Before Attack

10 Animal Facts About Pregnancy

10 Most Venomous Snakes In The World

10 Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

10 Most Overfished Species

10 Most Amazing Animal Hybrids You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

Most Amazing Carnivorous Plants ! Aldroanda vesiculosa Traps in Action

Most Amazing Carnivorous Plants ! Brocchinia reducta

The carnivorous plants | Venus Flytrap eats frog

Strange Trees and Funny Trees of The World |Weird Trees and Plants

10 Most Deadliest Poisonous Plants on Earth

Most Creepy Plants, fungy & Mushrooms In The World Look like Human Organ

Beautiful But Strange Flowers of Garden In The World 1

Biggest Snake In The World | Giant Anaconda Attacks | Giant Python

Biggest Snake In The Word | Gaint Anaconda Attacks | Gaint Python.

The World's Biggest Snakes.

What's the biggest snake in the world? People have argued about this for years. Part of the problem is the definition of the word "large." Do you mean the longest or the heaviest? Are we talking about the largest single specimen ever found or an average for the species? Do you consider unconfirmed reports, or only rely on double-checked evidence?

A petroleum geologist in eastern Columbia in the 1944 found an anaconda he measured at 37 1/2 feet in length. Most people do not accept this report because after shooting the snake and measuring it, the expedition went off and ate lunch before attempting to photograph and skin it. While they were gone, the snake, (apparently still alive) crawled or swam away. Vincent Roth, a scientist working in British Guiana claims to have shot a 34 foot specimen, but his story also lacked corroboration.

The Giant Anaconda.

The anaconda, or Eunectes murinus, lives in central and tropical South America. This monstrous snake can live in fresh water and could be a candidate for some smaller sea serpent or lake monster reports. Like all snakes, the anaconda is carnivorous. While some snakes use venom (poison) to kill or paralyze their victims, the anaconda, like its Eastern Hemisphere cousins, the pythons, kill by constriction. A constricting snake, loops its body around an animal and uses its powerful muscles to squeeze its victim until the animal can no longer inflate its lungs to breathe, causing suffocation.

The Giant Python.

While some consider the anaconda the largest snake, problems with the above claims cause many people to argue that a reticulated python (Python reticulated) killed in Celebes, Indonesia in 1912 deserved the prize as the longest single snake specimen. It was 32 feet, 10 inches long.

People as Snake Prey

Do large modern snakes like the python and the anaconda eat people? Occasionally such attacks are recorded. In 1972 a python in Burma ate an eight-year-old boy. In 1927 there was a story about a jeweler named Maung Chit Chine. He hid under a tree during a rain storm and afterward his friends could only find his hat and shoes. When they killed a nearby gouged python, they found the rest of Chines' body, swallowed feet first (though this seems opposite to normal snake behavior) and whole, inside the snake.

Strangely enough, many big snakes attack humans not in the jungle, but in suburbia. Pythons are often kept as pets, but can turn deadly without warning. In 1993 in Colorado, a 15-year-old boy weighing 95 pounds was attacked by the family's python. The snake was only of medium size being 11 feet long and weighing 53 pounds, yet was able to kill the boy, though it made no attempt to eat him.

The beautiful skin patterns of pythons. Left is normal, while the right is an albino from the National Zoo who would not have survived in the wild as its coloration would have given it no protection when it was young. (Copyright Lee Krystek, 1998)

Big snakes, though beautiful and interesting, can be dangerous. And they don't have to be record holders or live in the jungle to kill.

Pls don't forget to subscribe our channel for more updates and for more videos. 

Keep watching our channel and stay healthy!!!

Description is collected from :

Videos You May Watch :

Biggest Snake In The World | Giant Anaconda Attacks | Giant Python

10 Fastest Animals In The World

10 Most Dangerous Animals In The World

King Cobra Snake, Facts | Caught Before Attack

10 Animal Facts About Pregnancy

10 Most Venomous Snakes In The World

10 Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

10 Most Overfished Species

10 Most Amazing Animal Hybrids You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

Most Amazing Carnivorous Plants ! Aldroanda vesiculosa Traps in Action

Most Amazing Carnivorous Plants ! Brocchinia reducta

The carnivorous plants | Venus Flytrap eats frog

Strange Trees and Funny Trees of The World |Weird Trees and Plants

10 Most Deadliest Poisonous Plants on Earth

Most Creepy Plants, fungy & Mushrooms In The World Look like Human Organ

Beautiful But Strange Flowers of Garden In The World 1

Friday, September 16, 2016

10 Fastest Animals In The World

1. Peregrine Falcon.

The peregrine falcon is particularly swift, capable of reaching speeds of up to 200 mph while at a dive.

 2. Frigate Bird.

This spectacular avian makes the peregrine falcon look slow by comparison. It can reach speeds of up to 95 miles per hour.

 3. Sail Fish.

What is the fastest sea animal? That honor goes to the sail fish, which can read speeds up to 68 miles per hour.

 4. Cheetah.

The fastest animal on land in the world is of course the cheetah. This animal is actually only slightly faster than the pronghorn antelope, and can reach speeds of up to 61 miles per hour


5. Pronghorn Antelope.

 This antelope takes second place among land animals for speed. It can easily out-sprint most predators at speeds as high as 60 miles per hour.

 6. Blue Wildebeest.

They are not quite as fast as the pronghorn, but These extremely agile and wary animals can run at speeds of up to 50 mph, waving their tails and tossing their heads..

 7. Lion.

 Lions can chase down their prey at around 50 miles per hour, making them extremely deadly predators on the plains.

 8. Thomson’s Gazelle.

 This is another creature in the same category as wildebeests and lions, also capable of running at around 50 miles per hour.

 9. Brown Hare.

One of the smallest animals on our list is the brown hare. This little creature can run extremely fast, reaching speeds of up to 47 miles per hour.

 10. Elk.

The elk is capable of running at speeds as high as 45 miles per hour. Do not make an elk angry. If it charges you, it is going to win.

 The video could be embed or link could be shared for online education, online masters programs, online college degrees, online programs, online phd programs.

 Pls don't forget to subscribe our channel for more updates and for more videos. You can share your opinion in the comment section.

Pls suggest us to improve ourselves and to provide best videos to entertain you.

 Keep watching our channel and stay healthy!!!

Videos You May Watch :

10 Fastest Animals In The World

10 Most Dangerous Animals In The World

King Cobra Snake, Facts | Caught Before Attack

10 Animal Facts About Pregnancy

10 Most Venomous Snakes In The World

10 Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

10 Most Overfished Species

10 Most Amazing Animal Hybrids You Won’t Believe Actually Exist

The carnivorous plants | Venus Flytrap eats frog |

Strange Trees and Funny Trees of The World |Weird Trees and Plants|

10 Most Deadliest Poisonous Plants on Earth

Most Creepy Plants, fungy & Mushrooms In The World Look like Human Organ

Beautiful But Strange Flowers of Garden In The World 1

Monday, September 12, 2016

10 Most Dangerous Animals In The World

 10 Most Dangerous Animals In The World. 
 1. Box Jellyfish.
 Box jellies, also called sea wasps and marine stingers, live primarily in coastal waters off Northern Australia and throughout the Indo-Pacific. Their venom is considered to be among the most deadly in the world, containing toxins that attack the heart, nervous system, and skin cells. 
 2. komodo Dragon.
 Komodo dragons have thrived in the harsh climate of Indonesia's Lesser Sunda Islands for millions of years. Animals that escape the jaws of a Komodo will only feel lucky briefly. Dragon saliva teems with over 50 strains of bacteria, and within 24 hours, the stricken creature usually dies of blood poisoning.
3. Cape Buffalo.
This is a particularly aggressive inhabitant of the African grasslands. Cape buffalo have been known to charge victims without provocation, rather like the black mamba. While they are obviously not venomous, they do have an asset the mamba does not—2,000 pounds of weight and the ability to charge at 40 miles an hour
 4. Siafu Ants.
 Siafu Ants are also called driver ants. What makes driver ants much scarier than fire ants is that driver ants are carnivores. Their main food source are earthworms that they come across in their journeys.
 5. African Elephant.
 Around the world elephants can kill roughly 500 people a year. Elephants are the most powerful and big animal that walk on earth. They are not predetors But they are designed for battle. Sometime they attack humans without any reason. Tusks are meant to impress other elephants. 
 6. Puffer Fish.
What makes the pufferfish deadly, though, isn’t their appearance. Most pufferfish, when they inflate, release a dangerous chemical on their skin, which is known as tetrodotoxin or TTX, a chemical 100 times more toxic than cyanide. 
 7. Hyena.
 After the African lion, the spotted hyena is the largest carnivore in Africa, weighing up to 180 pounds and standing up to 30 inches at the shoulder. These are complicated, intelligent, and highly social animals with a really awful reputation. 
 8. Stone Fish. 
In the underwater world, you don’t have to be the largest creature to be the biggest threat. The stonefish, which reaches an average length of 30 to 40, is the most venomous fish in the world having venomous sacs on each one of its 13 spines. 
9. Salt Crocodiles. 
Earth’s largest living crocodilian—and, some say, the animal most likely to eat a human—is the saltwater. Average-size males reach 17 feet and 450 kilograms, but specimens 23 feet long and weighing 1,000 kilograms are not uncommon. They are excellent swimmers. 
 10. Hippo.
 Hippopotamuses love water, which is why the Greeks named them the "river horse." Although hippos may look cute and friendly, they are definitely one animal you do not want to cross. Easily frightened and extremely aggressive, hippos will not hesitate to attack a human,

Videos You May Watch :
10 Most Dangerous Animals In The World
King Cobra Snake, Facts | Caught Before Attack
10 Animal Facts About Pregnancy
10 Most Venomous Snakes In The World
10 Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!
10 Most Overfished Species
10 Most Amazing Animal Hybrids You Won’t Believe Actually Exist
Most Amazing Carnivorous Plants ! Aldroanda vesiculosa Traps in Action !
Most Amazing Carnivorous Plants ! Brocchinia reducta !

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

10 Animal Facts About Pregnancy

Fact Number one.
Armadillos are capable of putting their pregnancy on hold
while they await for the perfect conditions, mostly like bears. The babies are
often born around eight months after conception, but gestation only takes about
four months.
Fact Number 2.
Up to 23 months elephants gestate, it is the longest period
for any animal of land. They give birth of the biggest newborn babies too at
nearly 230 pounds.
Fact Number 3.
In many ways Chimpanzees are like human, including birth.
Infants emerge facing away from their mother, a fact led anthropologists to
debunk the idea that humans have the unique need for assistance while giving
Fact Number 4.
The pregnancies of Dolphin last mostly a year. At the end
the mothers are weighed down much that they drag 50 percent more than their
non-pregnant buddies.
Fact Number 5.
Opossums have it the easiest. Their pregnancies only last 14
days. They then carry infants around in their pouch for two or three months
following birth.
Fact Number six.
It’s not full 101 Dalmatians, but the Guinness World Record
for most puppies in a litter was still quite a handful when a Neapolitan
mastiff gave birth to 24 baby puppies in 2004.
Fact Number seven.
While octopuses don’t technically give birth, their
reproduction process is still pretty remarkable. The males supply females with
packets of their sperm, which the female hangs on to until she is ready to
fertilize the 2 lakhs (200000) eggs she is produced. After laying the eggs, she
stays close by to nurture and protect them.
Fact Number Eight.
Under water, frilled sharks beat elephants’ record pregnancy
lengths with their incredibly slow-growing babies. Their embryos' grow at a
rate of about half an inch per month, which makes the full term around 3 and a
half years.
Fact Number nine.
Guinea pigs have one of the shortest biological clocks in
the animal kingdom and are able to get pregnant at just 4 weeks old. They don’t
wait long after giving birth, either; most sows go into heat 2-15 hours after
their litter is born.
Fact Number Ten.
For seahorses, it’s all about the dad. Females hand over
their unfertilized eggs to males who protect them for several weeks, then birth
to anywhere from 5-1,500 hatchling, with the average around 200.
The video could be embed or link could be shared for online
education, online masters programs, online college degrees, online programs,
online phd programs. For the purpose of distance education, online schools,
online colleges, online universities, online education degrees, accredited
online colleges,  are invited to refer
this video to teach their pupils and students.

Pls don't forget to subscribe our channel for more updates
and for more videos. You can share your opinion in the comment section. Pls
suggest us to improve ourselves and to provide best videos to entertain you.

Videos You May Watch : 

10 Animal Facts About Pregnancy

Fact Number one.
Armadillos are capable of putting their pregnancy on hold
while they await for the perfect conditions, mostly like bears. The babies are
often born around eight months after conception, but gestation only takes about
four months.
Fact Number 2.
Up to 23 months elephants gestate, it is the longest period
for any animal of land. They give birth of the biggest newborn babies too at
nearly 230 pounds.
Fact Number 3.
In many ways Chimpanzees are like human, including birth.
Infants emerge facing away from their mother, a fact led anthropologists to
debunk the idea that humans have the unique need for assistance while giving
Fact Number 4.
The pregnancies of Dolphin last mostly a year. At the end
the mothers are weighed down much that they drag 50 percent more than their
non-pregnant buddies.
Fact Number 5.
Opossums have it the easiest. Their pregnancies only last 14
days. They then carry infants around in their pouch for two or three months
following birth.
Fact Number six.
It’s not full 101 Dalmatians, but the Guinness World Record
for most puppies in a litter was still quite a handful when a Neapolitan
mastiff gave birth to 24 baby puppies in 2004.
Fact Number seven.
While octopuses don’t technically give birth, their
reproduction process is still pretty remarkable. The males supply females with
packets of their sperm, which the female hangs on to until she is ready to
fertilize the 2 lakhs (200000) eggs she is produced. After laying the eggs, she
stays close by to nurture and protect them.
Fact Number Eight.
Under water, frilled sharks beat elephants’ record pregnancy
lengths with their incredibly slow-growing babies. Their embryos' grow at a
rate of about half an inch per month, which makes the full term around 3 and a
half years.
Fact Number nine.
Guinea pigs have one of the shortest biological clocks in
the animal kingdom and are able to get pregnant at just 4 weeks old. They don’t
wait long after giving birth, either; most sows go into heat 2-15 hours after
their litter is born.
Fact Number Ten.
For seahorses, it’s all about the dad. Females hand over
their unfertilized eggs to males who protect them for several weeks, then birth
to anywhere from 5-1,500 hatchling, with the average around 200.
The video could be embed or link could be shared for online
education, online masters programs, online college degrees, online programs,
online phd programs. For the purpose of distance education, online schools,
online colleges, online universities, online education degrees, accredited
online colleges,  are invited to refer
this video to teach their pupils and students.

Pls don't forget to subscribe our channel for more updates
and for more videos. You can share your opinion in the comment section. Pls
suggest us to improve ourselves and to provide best videos to entertain you.

Videos You May Watch : 

King Cobra Snake, Facts | Caught Before Attack

King Cobras, with their threatening hoods and intimidating
upright postures, are some of the most significant snakes in the world. They
are both respected and feared because of their elegance, prideful stance and
venomous bite.
King cobras live mainly in the rain forests and plains of
India, southern China, and Southeast Asia, and their coloring can vary greatly
from region to region. They are comfortable in the trees, on land, and in
water, feeding mainly on other snakes, venomous and nonvenomous. They will also
eat lizards, eggs, and small mammals.
They are the only snakes in the world that build nests for
their eggs, which they guard ferociously until the hatchlings emerge.
King cobras may be best known as the species of choice for
the snake charmers of South Asia. Although cobras can hear, they are actually
deaf to ambient noises, sensing ground vibrations instead. The charmer's flute
entices the cobra by its shape and movement, not by the music it emits.
King cobras can reach 18 feet (5.5 meters) in length, making
them the longest of all venomous snakes. When confronted, they can raise up to
one-third of their bodies straight off the ground and still move forward to
attack. They will also flare out their iconic hoods and emit a bone-chilling
hiss that sounds almost like a growling dog.

Their venom is not the most potent among venomous snakes,
but the amount of neurotoxin they can deliver in a single bite—up to two-tenths
of a fluid ounce (seven milliliters)—is enough to kill 20 people, or even an
elephant. Fortunately, king cobras are shy and will avoid humans whenever
possible, but they are fiercely aggressive when concerned.

A bite by a King Cobra can lead to death within thirty
minutes. One bite can actually kill approximately 20 men. There are even
records of King Cobras that have killed elephants in a few hours.
There are only two types of anti-venom produced for treating
bites by King Cobras. One is manufactured in Thailand by the Red Cross, while
the other is made in India by the Central Research Institute.
According to the Australian Department of Clinical
Toxicology in the University of Adelaide, the untreated fatality rate of King
Cobra’s victims is 50-60%.
King Cobras have remarkable eyesight, enabling them to
detect moving prey as far as 330 ft (100 m) away. In addition to his advanced
smelling and eyesight capabilities, the Ophipohagus Hannah is said to possess
one more unique element that makes him ‘King’.
Hatchlings will reach average lengths of 20 inch (50 cm),
and will have venom that is as strong and powerful as that of adult kings. They
can fully defend themselves, exactly like their parents. Baby kings are usually
very nervous during their first few weeks, so if disturbed they might become
extremely aggressive. Juvenile Kings are shiny black stripped by narrow yellow
bands. As they grow older, they acquire the famous olive green color of a King.
However, it may take some time until a young King Cobra can display its notorious

King Cobra Snake, Facts | Caught Before Attack

King Cobras, with their threatening hoods and intimidating
upright postures, are some of the most significant snakes in the world. They
are both respected and feared because of their elegance, prideful stance and
venomous bite.
King cobras live mainly in the rain forests and plains of
India, southern China, and Southeast Asia, and their coloring can vary greatly
from region to region. They are comfortable in the trees, on land, and in
water, feeding mainly on other snakes, venomous and nonvenomous. They will also
eat lizards, eggs, and small mammals.
They are the only snakes in the world that build nests for
their eggs, which they guard ferociously until the hatchlings emerge.
King cobras may be best known as the species of choice for
the snake charmers of South Asia. Although cobras can hear, they are actually
deaf to ambient noises, sensing ground vibrations instead. The charmer's flute
entices the cobra by its shape and movement, not by the music it emits.
King cobras can reach 18 feet (5.5 meters) in length, making
them the longest of all venomous snakes. When confronted, they can raise up to
one-third of their bodies straight off the ground and still move forward to
attack. They will also flare out their iconic hoods and emit a bone-chilling
hiss that sounds almost like a growling dog.

Their venom is not the most potent among venomous snakes,
but the amount of neurotoxin they can deliver in a single bite—up to two-tenths
of a fluid ounce (seven milliliters)—is enough to kill 20 people, or even an
elephant. Fortunately, king cobras are shy and will avoid humans whenever
possible, but they are fiercely aggressive when concerned.

A bite by a King Cobra can lead to death within thirty
minutes. One bite can actually kill approximately 20 men. There are even
records of King Cobras that have killed elephants in a few hours.
There are only two types of anti-venom produced for treating
bites by King Cobras. One is manufactured in Thailand by the Red Cross, while
the other is made in India by the Central Research Institute.
According to the Australian Department of Clinical
Toxicology in the University of Adelaide, the untreated fatality rate of King
Cobra’s victims is 50-60%.
King Cobras have remarkable eyesight, enabling them to
detect moving prey as far as 330 ft (100 m) away. In addition to his advanced
smelling and eyesight capabilities, the Ophipohagus Hannah is said to possess
one more unique element that makes him ‘King’.
Hatchlings will reach average lengths of 20 inch (50 cm),
and will have venom that is as strong and powerful as that of adult kings. They
can fully defend themselves, exactly like their parents. Baby kings are usually
very nervous during their first few weeks, so if disturbed they might become
extremely aggressive. Juvenile Kings are shiny black stripped by narrow yellow
bands. As they grow older, they acquire the famous olive green color of a King.
However, it may take some time until a young King Cobra can display its notorious

Saturday, September 3, 2016

10 Animal Facts About Pregnancy

Fact Number one.
Armadillos are capable of putting their pregnancy on hold
while they await for the perfect conditions, mostly like bears. The babies are
often born around eight months after conception, but gestation only takes about
four months.
Fact Number 2.
Up to 23 months elephants gestate, it is the longest period
for any animal of land. They give birth of the biggest newborn babies too at
nearly 230 pounds.
Fact Number 3.
In many ways Chimpanzees are like human, including birth.
Infants emerge facing away from their mother, a fact led anthropologists to
debunk the idea that humans have the unique need for assistance while giving
Fact Number 4.
The pregnancies of Dolphin last mostly a year. At the end
the mothers are weighed down much that they drag 50 percent more than their
non-pregnant buddies.
Fact Number 5.
Opossums have it the easiest. Their pregnancies only last 14
days. They then carry infants around in their pouch for two or three months
following birth.
Fact Number six.
It’s not full 101 Dalmatians, but the Guinness World Record
for most puppies in a litter was still quite a handful when a Neapolitan
mastiff gave birth to 24 baby puppies in 2004.
Fact Number seven.
While octopuses don’t technically give birth, their
reproduction process is still pretty remarkable. The males supply females with
packets of their sperm, which the female hangs on to until she is ready to
fertilize the 2 lakhs (200000) eggs she is produced. After laying the eggs, she
stays close by to nurture and protect them.
Fact Number Eight.
Under water, frilled sharks beat elephants’ record pregnancy
lengths with their incredibly slow-growing babies. Their embryos' grow at a
rate of about half an inch per month, which makes the full term around 3 and a
half years.
Fact Number nine.
Guinea pigs have one of the shortest biological clocks in
the animal kingdom and are able to get pregnant at just 4 weeks old. They don’t
wait long after giving birth, either; most sows go into heat 2-15 hours after
their litter is born.
Fact Number Ten.

For seahorses, it’s all about the dad. Females hand over
their unfertilized eggs to males who protect them for several weeks, then birth
to anywhere from 5-1,500 hatchling, with the average around 200.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

10 Most Venomous Snakes In The World

10 Most Venomous Snake In The World.

1. Viper

The Vipers are found in most parts of the world, excluding some isolated islands. Due to the nature of proteolytic venom, a viper bite is often a very painful experience and should always be taken seriously. Even with prompt and proper treatment, a bite can still result in a permanent scar, and in the wort cases, the affected limb may even have to be amputated. 

2. Tiger Snake

Tiger Snakes are found in southern regions of Australia, including its coastal islands and Tasmania. These snakes are highly variable in their color, often banded like those on a tiger, and forms in their regional occurrences. Tiger snake venom possess potent neurotioxins, coagulants, haemolysins and myotoxins.

3. Eastern Brown Snake.

This snake is considered the world's second most venomous land snake based on its LD value in mice.. Adult eastern brown snakes are highly variable in colour. Whilst usually a uniform shade of brown, they can have various patterns including speckles and bands dose. Clinically, the venom of the eastern brown snake is known to cause diarrhea, dizziness, collapse or convulsions, renal failure, paralysis and cardiac arrest.

4. Blue Krait.

Blue Krait found in the jungles of the Indian subcontinent inflicting the most snakebites on humans in India. The common krait's venom consists mostly of powerful neurotoxins, which induce muscle paralysis. Clinically, its venom contains presynaptic and postsynaptic neurotoxins, which generally affect the nerve endings near the synaptic cleft of the brain. Often during the rainy season, the snakes come out of their hiding places and find refuge inside dry houses.

5. Black Mamba.

Black Mamba found in the parts of sub-Saharan Africa. most mamba species are tree-dwelling snakes, For its slender body, the black mamba is deceptively powerful; it is the fastest moving snake indigenous to Africa, and perhaps the fastest anywhere. The venom of the black mamba is extremely toxic, commonly causing collapse in humans within 45 minutes or less from a single bite. 

6. Taipan.

They are large, fast-moving, highly venomous, and endemic to Australasia. The taipans are considered some of the most deadly known snakes. Species of this genus possess highly neurotoxic venom with some other toxic constituents that have multiple effects on victims. 

7. Philippine Cobra.

The Philippine cobra is a stocky snake of medium length with long cervical ribs capable of expanding, so when threatened, a hood can be formed. The average length of this species is 1.0 metre (3.3 ft). The Philippine cobra occurs mostly in the northern regions of the Philippines. These snakes are capable of accurately spitting their venom at a target up to 3 metres (9.8 ft) away. Bites by the Philippine cobra produce prominent neurotoxicity with minimal to no local signs.

8. Death Adder.

death adders are native to Australia, New Guinea and nearby islands, and are among the most venomous snakes in the world. Death adders are very viper-like in appearance, having a short, robust body, triangular shaped heads and small subocular scales. Death adders can inject on average 40–100 mg of highly toxic venom with a bite.

9. Rattlesnake.

Rattlesnakes are native to the Americas, ranging from southern Alberta and southern British Columbia in Canada to central Argentina. Rattlesnakes are equipped for both day and night vision. It’s the most poisonous snake in America, any bite by a rattlesnake must be considered a life-threatening medical emergency. The venom is very stable, and retains its toxicity for many years in storage.

10. Inland Taipan.

The inland taipan is considered the most venomous snake in the world; based on the median lethal dose value in mice, its venom, drop for drop, is by far the most toxic of any snake – much more so than even sea snakes – and it has the most toxic venom of any reptile when tested on human heart cell culture. It is estimated that one bite possesses enough lethality to kill at least 100 full grown men, and, depending on the nature of the bite, it has the potential to kill someone in as little as 30 to 45 minutes if left untreated. It is an extremely fast and agile snake that can strike instantly with extreme accuracy, 

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